• Unity Programmer - Hot Cherry Games Shanghai, Sh, CHN

    Updated: 2012-02-29 12:00:07

  • Trizz & Dvein for Enel

    Updated: 2012-02-28 22:06:56
    Trizz and Dvein join forces to create a striking concept for these two spots: Stone and Hammer. Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Oh Yeah Wow: Gotye’s “Easy Way Out”

    Updated: 2012-02-28 22:01:37
    Oh Yeah Wow has just finished this clever music video for Gotye. Nice mix of live action and stop motion with almost no CG. The shoot was intense — Oh Yeah Wow slept in the bed and ate out of the refrigerator during production. Director: Darcy Prendergast Directors of Photography: Andrew Goldsmith & Jeremy Blode [...]Posted on Motionographer

  • Carlos Lascano: A Shadow of Blue

    Updated: 2012-02-28 14:01:09
    After some months in festivals around the world, Carlos Lascano’s latest film is finally available online. A Shadow of Blue is a beautiful and touching story, composed by a variety of techniques with Carlos’s particular style. Also check out the making-of photos. Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Canal Encuentro by Váscolo

    Updated: 2012-02-28 01:22:28
    Nice program package for Canal Encuentro by Váscolo. Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Filip Engstrom + The Mill: Color Changes Everything

    Updated: 2012-02-27 14:26:13
    Jubilant blend of in-camera and post effects from director Filip Engstrom and The Mill in Target’s “Color Changes Everything.” (Thanks, Aaron!) Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Classic Quickie: The Special Effects of Darby O’Gill and the Little People

    Updated: 2012-02-27 00:06:40
    Motionographer Classic Quickie: Peter Ellenshaw’s special effects in Disney’s Darby O’Gill and the Little People (1959). Part 1 (matte painting) and Part 2 (forced perspective). Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Jeremy Macedo: POLYPOUS

    Updated: 2012-02-24 21:48:27
    Check it out this brilliant traditional animation directed by Jeremy Macedo with support of Akama Studio and his talented friends – POLYPOUS. Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Raoul Paulet Reel 2012

    Updated: 2012-02-24 14:05:25
    Raoul Paulet Reel 2012 Posted on MotionographerPosted on Motionographer

  • Untitled

    Updated: 2012-02-17 23:49:17
    Multimedia produced by Jose F. Moreno/Courier-Post

  • A little more about what I’ve been working on recently

    Updated: 2012-02-17 02:52:58
    Yesterday I gave a talk at UCSC about some work I’ve been doing with Richard Evans (of Sims 3, et al) (Aaron Reed’s write-up is here). We’ll also be presenting on our research at the GDC AI summit. Our company, … Continue reading →

  • USA Today has a great review of Hogworld: Gnart’s Adventure

    Updated: 2012-02-03 16:27:38
    Columnist Jinny Gudmundsen gave Hogworld: Gnart’s Adventure a 4 stars out of 4 rating in her weekly column Kid’s Tech in USA Today this week. The column titled Five Amazing Apps for Kids ends its review of Hogworld with the following: “With stunning 3D visuals, a varied soundtrack, great voice acting and interactions that are...

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